Methods of Corpus Linguistics

This website compiles course materials for the Advanced Masters course “Methods of Corpus Linguistics” (September-December 2022, Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven). It includes slides as well as some examples of analyses.

Most of the code relies on the {mclm} package.


Here are some questions that have come up frequently and that you might have as well. For Git(Hub) issues, please first check the Cheatsheet.

I cannot run remotes::install_github("masterclm/mclm").

It might be that you have not installed the remotes package (which is understandable, since I forgot to say so). Please run install.packages("remotes") and then try again.

I cannot read the corpus.

Please check the path you’re using to read it! If you copied code from slides or notebooks in this website, the path to a corpus directory will be something like here::here("studies", "_corpora", "brown"), because in the R project of this website the corpora are inside a folder called “_corpora”, inside the folder called “studies”. In your own code, you should adapt the here::here() call to the path to your own corpus. For example, if you use the “brown” corpus and it’s stored in the top level of your project, i.e. not inside any other subfolder, then you should use here::here("brown"). If it’s inside a “corpus” folder instead, you should use here::here("corpus", "brown").

I get a message that R cannot find the function “get_fnames” (or some other function)

You should load the library that the function belongs to. For get_fnames(), you need library(mclm). For here(), you need library(here). Alternatively, you can mention the name of the package before the function name, joined by two colons: mclm::get_fnames(), here::here()

I don’t see (main) or anything similar in my Terminal when I try to use Git.

I’m not sure if you can do this on Mac at all, but on Windows, in R Studio, go to Tools > Global Options > Terminal, go to the dropbox menu after “New terminals open with” and choose Git Bash. After you reset R Studio, it should be ok.