Introduction to the course
What is a corpus?
What is corpus linguistics?
Collocations and keywords analysis
Comparison of variants and of varieties
Logistic regression
Conditional inference trees
Correspondence Analysis
Factor Analysis
R – the programming language
RStudio – IDE for R
Quarto – publishing system
Tinytex (I will show you how)
(Optionally) Git
Everything open source and free!
Software to install
After installing R, you should install the following R packages.
Software to install
Software to install
Software to install
Basics of R, RStudio, R projects
Basics of Quarto (to write your paper!)
Basics of Git (option to submit the paper)
Format of the classes
Lectures on the different topics, with slides
Corpus linguistics
Association measures
Logistic regression and conditional trees
Correspondence Analysis
Factor Analysis
Format of the classes
Going through analyses, with notebooks and code you can copy-paste
Collocation and keyword analysis
Alternation studies: analysis of variants
Lectometry: analysis of varieties
Register analysis: analysis of varieties
Format of the classes
Paper with analysis
Choose a corpus and at least one technique
Define a research question that the technique can address
Small literature review
Perform analysis
Full project to be submitted: R code, paper written in Quarto, bibliography
Exam and submission procedure
Follow the instructions to set up the Git repository and push your project
Optional intermediate assignments to get used to the tasks, Git and GitHub
Exam and submission procedure
Create an R project with a git repository
Stage and commit your changes, either in the Git tab or by typing git add .
followed by git commit -m "some message"
in the Git Bash Terminal
Add a remote to the repository by typing git remote add origin <url>
in the Git Bash Terminal
Set the main branch to “main” with git branch -M main
if it isn’t already.
Upload your changes with git push -u origin main
Exam and submission procedure
Stage your changes with git add .
to stage everything)
Take a snapshot of your work with git commit -m "some message"
When you want to submit, run git push
Exam and submission procedure